About Nada
Hi, my name is Nada and I have always believed in Spirit. I remember when I was a little girl I always prayed and sensed what other people were feeling and thinking. I was told sometimes I was too sensitive, as I felt emotions I didn’t realise then I was an empath. Being sensitive to feelings, mine and others is a part of my purpose.
It wasn’t until my grandmother passed over in 1989 that I started questioning why are we here?
I was grief stricken. Around the same time my friend had started going to Meditation and I loved hearing about her experiences so I decided to go. Almost straight away I could feel and see my angels and Native American Indian guide and felt immense joy. It was then, I started to get messages from deceased loved ones to pass on whenever I meditated I was nervous, worrying about how they were going to receive me and my messages but everyone was so happy to hear from their loved ones, it brought joy to them and I felt it was a privilege to help people.
As I continued I felt the need to start my own meditation circle. Spirit encouraged me as I had a burning desire to help people to feel peace as I had just by meditating. I started working in a healing centre in Liverpool and set myself up waiting for people and spirit sent them. From there in between life and having my daughter I moved from there to home back to another healing centre in Kearns NSW where I started conducting readings as I had gotten information from spirit and loved ones in Meditation . All the while I was also doing crystal energy healings, it’s amazing how you feel after you meditate, have a Crystal healing and receive guidance. It soothes your soul.
My life philosophy
We are spirits having an earth experience , we come down here to learn about ourselves, by going through life and challenges we evolve and grow. All to be more of who we really are. The more we are true to ourselves that means doing what feels right we are able to make decisions that make us happy. We chose to come here to grow as a soul and as spirits , we need to listen to our hearts. We are never alone, as we enter this world we are accompanied by a main guide who throughout our life stays with us and as we go through life and it’s challenges we get other guides to support and love us.
Our loved ones whom pass over also stay by our side as we learn lessons. Once we go through a lesson and master it we don’t go through the same lesson as our self esteem rises and we attract better. They want us to have joyful lives and are guiding us every step of our journey as they have shown me countless times by feathers, numbers, coins and lots of other signs. Your loved ones send a song, smell a gentle reminder there with you. Life is magical when you believe lots of love nada
More About How I Can Work With You
Mediumship readings involve me bringing through your loved ones and giving you the information to help navigate your direction in life. Your loved ones will engage with what’s been going on in your life, both in the past and in the moment and what is going to happen. You will find my readings are therapeutic giving you the information to heal you from the inside out. By giving you messages about your life and how you can change it for the better. You’re loved ones want to connect with you , they want you to know they’re ok standing beside you every step on your journey and there is no death, only a journey from this world to there’s. They will show you they’re here by showing me their personality, how they passed and various information that relates to you and them, comforting you.
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing involves me putting crystals on your body, and using my hands to channel energy to unblock your chakras . I work with the ascended masters, archangels and beings from Sirius and Leumeria. As I channel the amazing energy from Spirit to heal and remove negative energy by cleansing your aura and energy field you will feel lighter and more relaxed but on a deeper level you can shift anything that has been holding you back .Crystals have an amazing energy and each crystal has its own attributes which heal our bodies.
Meditation soothes your soul as I teach you the techniques to live a peaceful happy life. You will be put into a meditation where we work on your chakras by aligning and balancing each chakra. We talk about emotions and how we can heal our bodies and whatever spirit wants you to hear. You leave feeling cleansed, relaxed and at peace.
You will also you receive your own messages and guidance as you meditate and connect with your angels, guides and loved ones.
Mediumship classes
Mediumship Classes/circle where you learn to open up your own psychic abilities, how to channel your loved ones and give readings. We will practise psychometry, mediumship, meditation, healings and much more. How to protect your aura and the techniques to protect yourself.